About ChanningXD

Visit kelseyawsome123 and EdgeHead2011's channels on Youtube

I started watching wrestling at age 6. When I first saw it I was like wow! I didn't really think it was cool at first but then I think I just got addicted easily to it once I saw Edge!:) When I first saw him he was a little Cocky to me and my brother. I never really thought I would come to love him and be obsessed with him like I am today. He was just average to me back then. He's my #1 wrestler that I love then I like Christian and Randy Orton and so on and so on.!!Not only do I love Adam, but I love Justin Bieber too.

He's a great vocalist and My favorite song is Up ft Chris Brown.My friend and I were just talking then she asked me to search Justin Bieber and I guess I just kept replaying his music over and over and I just started listening to his music alot. If You didn;t know JB's youtube page is kidrauhl. Check it out so thnx 4 reading and <3 U guys.


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